Amplify your success with Valid Network's insights

Valid Network offers several integration paths to its real-time, actionable insights

Valid Score Widget

Enrich the data you provide your users with a real-time risk evaluation of any crypto asset out there

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Valid Insights API

Gain a financial edge or hedge your risks by integrating risks factors into your models and decision making process.

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VALID Score Widget

Give your users the confidence they need to take actions.

The Security Score widget is a must-have enhancement to any crypto related product or project

Real Time Security Score

Using propriety tools and methodologies, the Security Score aggregates a wide range of data sources and indicators into  Unified Intelligence.

Evaluates Assets Types

The Security Score is flexible and supports any crypto asset type including: Tokens, Liquidity Pools, Defi  Farms, Vaults and many more.

Deeper insight

The widget displays an aggregated security score and also a breakdown of it into its categories and additional risk factors.

Easy  & Customizable

Integration with the widget is easy and simple and it also have a customizable design that will fit your product needs.


Generate Alpha and Hedge against losses with Valid Insights secret sauce

Enrich your investments strategies and decision making process by leveraging cybersecurity and advanced financial models through the Valid Insights API

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Crypto, Defi, and Web3 Security

The Valid Network API suite includes a wide range of proprietary security-oriented indicators that can enrich any decision making process.

Processed Depth Data Capabilities

Access processed security insights or dive as deep as you want into on-chain data with a wide range of available APIs that will fit your needs.

Real Time Data

All data and insights are updated in real-time and enriched by runtime detectors and multiple other data sources.

Easy to Integrate

Integration with the API suite is easy, simple and quick.


$ curl -X POST --header "X-Auth-Token: AUTH_TOKEN" --header
"Content-Type: application/json"
"" -d '{"network": "eth",
"address": "0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca"}' | python
-m json.tool

Chainlink | LINK


••••••• "score": 4,
••••••• "security": 3,
••••••• "market_presence": 4,
••••••• "social": 4,
••••••• "governance": 3,
 "score_version": "0.0.1"

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