
AI-based intelligence platform that lets traders and investors maximize opportunities and hedge against risks in real time.

Designed for Platform

Amplify success by integrating our insights

Valid Network offers several integration paths to its real-time, actionable insights

Security Score Widget

Enrich the data you provide your users with a real-time risk evaluation of any crypto asset out there

Try Now
Valid Insights API

Gain a financial edge or hedge your risks by integrating risks factors into your models and decision making process.

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Security Score Widget

The Security Score widget is a must-have enhancement to any crypto related product or project

Valid Insights API

Enrich your models and decision making process with security specific insights and data with the Valid Insights API

$ curl -X POST --header "X-Auth-Token: AUTH_TOKEN" --header
"Content-Type: application/json"
"" -d '
{"network": "eth",
"address": "0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca"}' | python
-m json.tool

Chainlink | LINK


••••••• "score": 4,
••••••• "security": 3,
••••••• "market_presence": 4,
••••••• "social": 4,
••••••• "governance": 3,
 "score_version": "0.0.1"

We expose vulnerabilities to capture opportunities

The Crypto market is the new Wild West, where everyone is looking to maximize profits, but few understand the law of the land and underlying technology. Valid Insights enables investors, traders, and hedge funds to understand, act upon, and capitalize on security and financial insights, even before they are announced in mainstream media.

Give Me Insights!
ClearRisk LevelIndex

Get a clear indication of the risk level associated with any cryptocurrency, token, NFT, or vault, based on Valid Network’s award-winning Blockchain cybersecurity technology.


Capitalize on real-time signals from crypto markets before others figure them out. Valid Insights continuous on-chain monitoring gives you a range of actionable signals - anomaly trade movements, fraud alarms, contract policy changes, and more.

X-Ray Cryptanalysis & TrxnForensics

Understand what happened. Don’t wait for others to analyze incidents, transactions, and trends. Get Valid Insights superpowers to look deeper into the chain and understand everything immediately on your own.

Valid Score: The New Crypto Quality Standard

Valid Score lets crypto investors quickly understand the security posture of various crypto assets, NFTs, vaults, wallets, and exchanges, and their respective risk profiles.

A Valid Score takes into account multiple factors of the reviewed asset or object: its security and vulnerabilities, its market presence, the social activity around it, and its governance.

Projects, wallets, and exchanges can present a Valid Score for any asset and item to give traders and other stakeholders quick security and reliability insights, while allowing them to dig deeper at Valid Data.

Get a Valid Score Widget

Supported Blockchains & Assets

Valid Network monitors thousands of Blockchain networks, digital assets, NFTs, vaults, wallets, and exchanges. We add hundreds of new projects to our data lake and drive immediate and predictive insight for the benefit of potential investors.

Can’t find an asset on our platform? No worries, just let us know and we’ll get on chain.

Request Valid Insights on a Project

Hedge Against Risk

Detected 30 minutes before 𝒇𝒙 initiation led to 60% drop
90 minutes later PAID NETWORK announce the hack to the community

Hedge Against Risk

AI engine Detected anomaly 24 hours before ~100% drop
Iron Finance call it “the world's first large-scale crypto bank run”

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What our Parnters have to say

Uriel Peled

Co-Founder and CEO of Revault Network 

"Our integration with Valid Network’s Valid Score widget will empower Revault users, providing them with much-needed information about the protocols and assets they are about to invest in. We are certain that in the near future Valid Score will become the de-facto standard and “a must-have” tool required by every trader and investor in the blockchain space"

News and Blogs

Get the latest announcements and content on Cryptocurrency and Blockchain security and intelligence:

Web3 Identity vs Reputation

Gartner Highlights Valid Network in its analysis of the state of crypto regulation, scams and current solutions.
Gartner Highlights Valid Network in its analysis of the state of crypto regulation, scams and current solutions.

Gartner highlights Valid Network in its analysis of the state of crypto regulation, scams and current solutions.

Gartner Recognizes Valid Network as a Blockchain Disruptor
Gartner Recognizes Valid Network as a Blockchain Disruptor

In their latest report Gartner highlighted Valid Network for their award-winning technology that is helping individual investors, hedge funds, and institutions stay protected while on chain.

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